Tee time at Laguna Golf Phuket

Your Top 8 Tee Time Questions at Laguna Golf Phuket Answered

Are you curious about the tee time experience at Laguna Golf Phuket? We’ve got you covered with answers to some of the most common questions:

What's the Starting Time?

Tee time starts bright and early at 06:30 AM, offering the chance to soak in the breathtaking sunrise as you prepare to play.

Round Duration

Plan for a leisurely 4-hour game if you’re going for the full 18 holes. For those with a bit less time, our 9-hole option takes around 2 hours.

Group Size

You can play with your friends or family, as each tee time accommodates a group of up to 4 players.

Tee Time Intervals

To ensure a smooth flow and minimal waiting, we schedule tee times every 10 minutes.

Laguna Golf Phuket's Unique Appeal

Situated amidst Laguna Phuket’s natural beauty, our course presents a fusion of stunning landscapes and meticulously designed holes, promising an unforgettable golfing experience.

9 Holes or 18?

If you’re tight on time, our 9-hole option is the perfect choice to get a satisfying golfing session.

Booking Your Tee Time

Booking is simple! Reach out to us at +66 83 550 6683 or drop us an email at Golf@Lagunagolfphuket.com to secure your spot on the course.

Our Location

You’ll find us at Laguna Golf Phuket Map, ready to provide an exceptional golfing adventure.

Ready to dive into the world of tee times at Laguna Golf Phuket? To discover more, explore our blog CLICK HERE. Get ready for an extraordinary golfing experience that blends skill, nature, and relaxation, book your round today.